Click below to watch a quick video from

Free to Serve founder

Efrem Jackson

Does This Sound Familiar?

  1. You believe in and love God yet you struggle financially.
  2. You pray for resources but you have yet to experience the abundance of Gods provision.
  3. You're tired of working hard all year long with nothing to show for it.
  4. You don't have a plan to eliminate the debt that seems to keep piling up in your life.
  5. You spend money and wonder where it has all gone by the end of the month.
  6. You know you should be saving and finding ways to generate extra income but you feel stuck on the hamster-wheel called life.
  7. You feel guilty because you can't give and donate to the Church and other causes dearest to your heart due to lack of money.
  8. You feel like you can't pursue your life's calling and all the dreams God has given you because you don't have the financial resources. (You don't have the provision for your vision)
  9. You secretly daydream about having the freedom to never have to ask money, the secular world or anyone else for permission to obey God and take care of your family the way you want to.
  10. You feel ashamed because you thought you would be farther along at this point in your life.

Imagine What It Would Be Like If.....

You never had to worry about money again because you had the tools and wisdom to provide for your-self and your family.

You could give freely of your resources to as many people as you wanted as God directed without fear that you would be without.

You had clear action steps you could take could take weekly towards building wealth that actually made it an attainable goal.

You had the provision and confidence so you could fund your life's mission and make an eternal impact.

All of This is Possible!

All You Need Is God & a Blueprint to Follow.

Let Me Introduce You to Your Blueprint

Blueprint a Spiritual Guide to Financial Freedom Masterclass, is a hybrid financial course that combines elements of self-paced online instruction and in-person group coaching and accountability. This course has helped thousands of people take control of their finances and start living lives of purpose.

Packed with spiritual incite and practical financial wisdom this course will give you a step-by-step process that takes you from just surviving to thriving financially.

Upon completion of this course study, you will...

  1. Better understand your life's calling and the impact God wants you to have on the world.
  2. Know how to create, execute and live on a spending plan. No more uncontrollable spending.
  3. Know the secrets to save money.
  4. Learn powerful spiritual principles that will forever change your outlook on wealth and stewardship of God's resources.

So what are you waiting for? Click the button below. It's time to break some chains!. It's time to...


Here Are The Training Modules in The Course

  Intro - Lets Talk About Money!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone 1: - Understanding The True Purpose of Money
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone 2: B is for Budget
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Milestone 3: Saving Money
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Extras - Resources & Tools
Available in days
days after you enroll

- Hours of Spiritual & Practical Financial Wisdom.

-4 Interactive Workbooks.

-Weekly Group Coaching & Accountability with a Licensed Financial Advisor.

-Access to Private Telegram Group for Questions & Additional Support.

Hi, I'm Efrem

I’m a licensed financial professional and I teach people just like you every day how to manage their finances using common sense and Christian Principles. 

Like most people, I grew up with little to no knowledge about personal finance and how to win with money. As a college student in my early 20s that lack of knowledge showed up in a big way in the form of debt, no savings, no budget, and no real financial plans for the future. From briefly being on public assistance (nice way of saying welfare) to working 3 jobs at the same time to buy books and pay rent I took the concept of being a broke college student to new levels.

All that changed when I became introduced to Bible-based financial management. I used the principles I learned to pay off over $40,000 of debt in a couple of years, build my emergency savings and start investing. 

I’m passionate about helping God’s people escape financial bondage so they can in turn serve God more effectively and passionately. I believe that when people are financially free they are more likely to do exactly what they have been put on earth to do. I can’t wait to see you in the challenge. So what are you waiting for? Sign up above or click the button below and let's break some chains! 

Interactive Workbooks

24 hrs on Demand Videos

And More!